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Printmaking - Introductory Course

Printmaking Class Resource KitPrintmaking Class Resource Kit
Price:$ 390.00

In this introductory course you will be introduced to the foundation skills for relief printmaking and intaglio.

Days Times & Studios

StudioDayStart DateNo of WeeksStart TimeEnd TimeTutorPriceNotes
HornsbyMonday14 Oct 202489.30 am12.30pmPeter Mackie$400
HornsbyWednesday16 Oct 202489:30 am12:30 pmPeter Mackie$400

This course will teach you the foundation skills in printmaking. You will explore a variety of approaches and techniques to producing fine art prints.  Once you have mastered the basics you will the have ability to combine different techniques in endless combinations to create unique and individual prints.

There is a Printmaking resource kit that students must purchase for this class.

Selected Works by the Tutor

During the introductory coures you will be introduced to the following techniques

  • Relief Printing
  • Intaglio
  • Monoprints
  • Collagraphs
  • Drypoint
  • Non acid etching

You will also learn

  • safety procedures
  • professional requirements for editioning a series of prints ready for display.