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Creative Jewellery Making

Jewellery by definition consists of 3 dimensional objects created to be worn or carried by the human body.
This course provides a studio-based programme for the production of Creative Jewellery Works.
It aims to develop skills in idea formation, material selection and techniques relevant to jewellery, while extending student knowledge of historical and contemporary jewellery practice.
This is a workshop based course so is open to students of all levels of profiency.

Overview of this Art Class

For All Students

This course provides an introduction to Jewellery making.

Through material exploration and the guidance of an experienced tutor, students are encouraged to develop their own visual language for Jewellery Work. On the completion of the course you will have an awareness of safe working procedures for making in the jewellery studio and have undertaken a series of metal experiments to make a wearable piece such as earrings, a bangle, ring or brooch.

It teaches foundational techniques for working with metal including

  • cutting using a jewellers saw,
  • texturing with hammers and
  • embossing surfaces using a rolling mill, as well as
  • joining metal using silver solder and
  • polishing to finish jewellery pieces.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop jewellery ideas from a series of studio based experiments
  • Extend material palette and improve technical jewellery skills
  • Use jewellery hand tools and machinery safely
  • Understand and follow safe working requirements for making in the Jewellery studio
  • Create a finished Jewellery Work

Studios Dates Times

StudioDayStart DateNo of WeeksStart TimeEnd TimeTutorPriceNotes
HornsbyMonday14 Oct 2024412:30 pm4:30 pmJessica Evans$390Jewellery Making Fundamentals 4 hrs x 4 wks
HornsbyTuesday15 Oct 2024412:00 pm4:00 pmJulie Read$390Jewellery Making Fundamentals 3 hrs x 4 wks
HornsbyTuesday15 Oct 202446:00 pm9:00 pmJulie Read$290Silver Clay Jewellery - 4 Week Course

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Course Information

For Certificate & Diploma Students

You will be asked to complete a series of Jewellery Works Projects

Part 1: Design a wearable piece to mark a special occasion or memory. For example, Ring, Brooch, Hairpin, Diadem, Shoe buckle or Necklace

Part 2: Married Metal technical exercise

Using the body as the location for a Jewellery Work, you are asked to design and make a wearable piece to mark a special occasion or memory. Start by collecting research on your selected special occasion or memory in your visual diary. Collect images of any related jewellery or jewellery objects from historical and contemporary references, keep these in your journal. Through material exploration and the guidance of your tutor, you are encouraged to develop your own visual language for the finished piece. Discuss your idea with your tutor. Complete drawings, samples and studio experiments. Keep a visual record of the progress of the piece in your journal.

On the completion of the project you will have a broader knowledge of traditional and contemporary jewellery. An awareness of safe working requirements for making in the jewellery studio. Improved your Jewellery technical skills through completing technical exercises, material experiments and made a wearable piece such as a ring or brooch. Discussed and reviewed jewellery works and you finished piece with your peers and tutor.


  • Develop an idea in response to the set project

  • Research on a special occasion or memory (in Visual Diary)

  • Research on Historical and Contemporary Jewellery (in Visual Diary)

  • Document your jewellery process; keep a visual diary of your Jewellery Work’s progression.

  • Working drawings (in Visual Diary)

  • Finished samples and studio experiments

  • Complete any set technical exercises

  • A finished jewellery piece

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop and communicate an idea for jewellery
  • Develop research skills by keeping a record of your investigation
  • Develop Jewellery technical and material skills through sampling
  • Document Jewellery process and studio exploration
  • Develop analytical skills by evaluating own jewellery work and work of others through reflection and discussion with tutor and peers
  • Use Jewellery hand tools and machinery safely
  • Understand and follow safe working requirements for making in the Jewellery studio
  • Create a finished Jewellery Work

Material List


  • Some studio tools
  • Safety equipment & training on how to use relevant equipment


  • Students will need to supply their own silver, stones etc (most materials can be purchased at the School)
  • For set projects Resource Kit for the associated project.
  • All students must wear enclosed shoes, no sandals or thongs and have long hair tied back.