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Watercolours for Beginners

Learn how to use watercolours to achieve effects ranging from powerful and dynamic to soft and subtle.

For new artists, watercolours help you to achieve a "painterly" quality to your art.

For experienced artists, watercolours can expand the options available to you to achieve the effects you want.

Overview of this Art Class

If you have never explored watercolors before then you are in for a real painting experience.

Watercolours offer effects not possible in any other media - in watercolour painting water is your active partner in the process ...

When working with oil or acrylics the paints essentially stay where you put them and keep generally the same appearance as they dry. In watercolour painting water is an active and complex partner in the process. It changes the shape and transparency of the paper and the outlines and appearance of the paint as it dries.

Because of this there are things you can do with watercolors that you just can't do with other media. Once you have learnt how to use watercolours you will want to revisit it again and incorporate what you have learnt into your repertoire of techniques and understanding of painting media.

Studios Dates Times

StudioDayStart DateNo of WeeksStart TimeEnd TimeTutorPriceNotes
Baulkham HillsMonday14 Oct 202487:00 pm9:00 pmKrista Brennan$370
HornsbyWednesday16 Oct 2024812:30 pm2:30 pmValeriia Sedlak$370
HornsbyWednesday16 Oct 2024810:00 am12:00 pmValeriia Sedlak$370
ONLINEWednesday16 Oct 202487:00 pm9:00 pmKrista Brennan$370online and face to face delivery
Baulkham HillsWednesday16 Oct 202487:00 pm9:00 pmKrista Brennan$370online and face to face delivery
HornsbySaturday19 Oct 202489:00 am11:00 amKrista Brennan$370online and face to face delivery
ONLINESaturday19 Oct 202489:00 am11:00 amKrista Brennan$370online and face to face delivery

Course Information

The classes are supported with demonstrations and instruction which are then followed by the students working on their own piece. The aim of this course, week by week is to develop your skills and understanding of the world of the watercolourist.

The course content will cover;

  • Introduction Materials and their uses,
  • Handling the Pigment – simple exercises of mixing and applying colour and the manipulation of tone and the uses of layering.
  • Preliminary sketches,
  • Wet-on-wet;
  • Graded washes;
  • Hard and soft edges;
  • Dry brush using the rigger brush.
  • Reclaim the white.
  • Weeks 5 & 6
  • Flowers and Masking
  • Fluid Spray and drop
  • Negative and positive painting
  • Using the white of the paper.
  • Using cling wrap and waxed paper to create textures to imply landscape elements.


Suggested Material List

Paper: 300gsm – good paper to start with no hidden surprises
Board: Marine Ply – 5ply is the best
Cosmetic Sponge
Small Water Container (small ice cream tub)
Towelling – White Clean – face washer
OR Paper Block A3 size minimum, medium surface


Burnt Sienna

Raw Sienna

Ultramarine Blue

Phthalo Blue

Winsor Yellow

Quinacridone Gold/Australian Gold

Permanent Rose

There are many, many other colours some of which will be suggested in class or you may discover them for yourself.

You can look forward to a large collection of brushes of many types and sizes.
If they are looked after they will last for a very long time